Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Agar Template Blog Anda Tidak Seberat Tronton ~ Tempat Berbagi informasi & ilmu

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011


Gösterim tarihi:17 Eylül 1999
Yönetmen:Harold Ramis
Oyuncular:Robert De Niro , Billy Crystal , Lisa Kudrow , Chazz Palminteri , Kresimir Novakovic , Bart Tangredi , Michael Straka , Joseph Rigano , Joe Viterelli , Richard C. Castellano , Molly Shannon , Max Casella , Frank Pietrangolare , Kyle Sabihy , Bill Macy ,
Senaryo:Kenneth Lonergan , Peter Tolan , Peter Tolan , Harold Ramis , Kenneth Lonergan ,
Müzik:Howard Shore ,
Dili: İngilizce
Süre: 103 dk.


Side (Greek: Σίδη Side, Turkish: Side) was an ancient Greek city in Anatolia, in the region of Pamphylia, in what is now Antalya province, on the southern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. It is now a resort town and one of the best-known classical sites in Turkey, near the villages of Manavgat and Selimiye, 75 km from Antalya) in the province of Antalya.[1]

It is located on the eastern part of the Pamphylian coast, which lies about 20 km east of the mouth of the Eurymedon River. Today, as in antiquity, the ancient city is situated on a small north-south peninsula about 1 km long and 400 m across.

Go Go

Lorem ipsum no has veniam elaboraret constituam, ne nibh posidonium vel. Has ad quaeque omittantur, malis abhorreant eam no, qui cu minim placerat definitionem. Et sonet ludus apeirian mei, ut tibique corpora posidonium vis, iusto nominavi prodesset in pro. Ad mea omnes aliquando, idque democritum incorrupte at sed, nostrud feugiat consetetur duo in. Aeque reformidans ex quo, facilisis appellantur ea mei. Illud scaevola pertinacia mel ad, est ex tractatos aliquando, cibo eloquentiam ea per.

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Agar Template Blog Anda Tidak Seberat Tronton

Mungkin konten blog anda sangat dibutuhkan oleh pengunjung. Mungkin penyajiannya juga sudah menarik. Mungkin SEOnya juga sudah lumayan. Dan mungkin tampilannya juga sudah menarik. Tapi kenapa pengunjung masih sepi?

Jangan-jangan blog anda sangat lemot dibuka. Template seberat tronton. Sehingga sebelum blog anda terbuka dengan sempurna pengunjung sudah keburu terbang dan tak pernah kembali lagi. Oh… sayang sungguh sayang. Betapa malang nasib anda. Karena itu sebelum terlambat, gunakanlah wasiat ini:


Timbanglah beban blog anda secara keseluruhan. Gunakanlah jasa beberapa situs untuk mengetahuinya. Saat menulis tutorial ini saya sudah lupa. Silahkan anda googeling atau tanyakan pada teman anda. Pastikan berat idealnya berkisar 60KB. Paling maskimal di bawah 100KB.

Jika sudah lebih dari 100KB itu sudah kecelakaan sebelum bertempur. Jujur saja, saya sangat kecewa ketika membuka beberapa blog lewat HP. Blog-blog yang bebannya mencapai 100 apalagi 200KB luar biasa lemotnya. Dan sering kali saya sudah menutupnya sebelum terbuka penuh. Dan kalau saya menggunakan koneksi dengan modem USB (non limit), maka blog-blog seperti itulah yang paling rakus menyedot pulsa.


Pastikan beban file HTML template berkisar maksimal 50KB. Karena File HTML yang berat akan memperburuk SEO. Ini termasuk salah satu penyebab blog kalah bersaing di halaman pencari. Ingat, ibarat rumah, file HTML template ibarat rangkanya. Bagaimana pun isi rumah diuatak-atik, tidak akan merubah kerangka rumah. Meskipun anda sudah membuang banyak widget, tapi beban template dasarnya berat, maka tetap tidak akan merubah secara signifikan.

Apakah anda sudah tahu cara menimbangnya?

Saya juga tidak tahu bagaimana cara yang paling bagus. Kebiasaan saya, hanya langsung mencopypaste semua isi file HTML tersebut ke notepade atau wordpad. Kemudian melihat berapa ukurannya. Pastikan beban maksimal di kisaran 50KB. Jika sampai 60KB apalagi lebih, menurut saya jangan tergoda, walaupun anda sangat tertarik dengan tampilanya. Karena secantik apapun tampilannya, tapi loadingnya lambat, maka hasil akhirnya akan sama dengan omong kosong.

Memang hal ini bisa dikurangi dengan mengcompress kode CSS. Tapi anda harus ingat. Hasil kompressi itu tidak begitu signifikan mengurangi beban file HTML. Karena cara kerja sistem kompressi CSS hanya merapatkan penulisan kode. Misalnya menghilangkan spasi dan meringkas penulisan kode. Bukan membuang sebagian kodenya. Jadi menurut saya, Lebih baik menggunakan template yang ringan (minimalis) kemudian anda lakukan modifikasi.


Hematlah menggunakan asesories blog. Karena setiap penambahan aksesories ikut memperberat file template. Karena aksesories itu juga dibuat dengan kode yang akhirnya disimpan di file template. Askesories ini bisa berupa readmore, related post (baik berupa teks maupun thumbnails), kursor melayang, kembang api, MP3, Animasi (baik huruf bergerak apalagi gambar bergerak). Dan … termasuk sejumlah widget yang tidak diperlukan.

Lalu bagaimana cara menghematnya?
Dan bagaimana mengetahui mana yang seharusnya dibuang?

Jawabannya sangat sederhana: Apakah semua aksesories itu benar-benar diperlukan?
Jika anda masih bingung, saya hanya bisa mencontohkan berdasarkan tampilan blog ini. Saya tidak akan memasang aksesories apapun jika tidak ada gunanya. Walaupun bagi anda askesories itu sangat bagus. Prinsip saya, hanya mengutamakan kenyamanan pengunjung dalam membaca. Asal mereka terganggu maka aksesories itu akan langsung saya tendang.

Bukankah anda sudah tahu, bahwa software blog adalah berbasis konten. Mengutamakan isi. Bukan aksesories. Saya juga melihat banyak blog terkenal hanya dengan tampilan sederhana. Tapi pengujungnya bisa mencapai 1000 perhari. Apalagi ranking alexa dan google PRnya: sangat ramping. Karena apa? Karena tujuan kedatangan pengunjung bukan untuk memandang apalagi untuk menjilat semua asesories blog anda, kecuali mereka yang baru blogging satu bulan. Yang mereka cari adalah konten anda. Postingan anda. Bukan suasana meriah seperti ruangan diskotik yang gemerlap dengan warna-warni dan sejumlah atraksi.


Hematlah menampilkan gambar pada halaman postingan. Kecuali jika benar-benar dibutuhkan. Seperti postingan tutorial. Tapi jika hanya berupa postingan terori dan wawasan, seperti tulisan ini, jangan memaksakan diri untuk menampilkan gambar. Soal ini mungkin pendapat saya tidak lazim. Karena umumnya blogger cendrung menampilkan setidaknya satu gambar pada setiap halaman postingan.

Saya tidak menyalahkan.

Tapi di sini saya hanya ingin menyatakan prinsip saya. Benar bahwa gambar bisa memberi variasi, mengusir kejenuhan pengunjung dari hanya melihat seonggok huruf-huruf. Tapi saya berpikir dengan cara berbeda. Dan saya sedang melakukan uji coba. Inilah prinsip saya:

Pertama, untuk menghemat beban halaman. Ini sudah pasti. Tapi gambarnya kan bisa dikompres Pak? Betul. Tapi ini tangkisan saya. Kedua, saya ingin menguji keampuhan tulisan saya. Saya ingin tahu dengan tepat apakah halaman demi halaman blog ini dibuka karena pengunjung hanya ingin melihat-lihat gambar atau murni ingin membaca. Tantangan ini sangat menarik bagi saya untuk menempa kemampuan menulis. Dan menurut saya ini jauh lebih sulit dari pada mahir mencari-cari gambar. Apalagi jika terselip maksud tersembunyi untuk menutupi ketidakmampuan menulis dengan menampilkan gambar.

Dan hasilnya, hingga saat ini saya menemukan angka page view blog ini cukup tinggi. Bahkan mengalahkan sejumlah blog-blog yang jauh lebih terkenal dan lebih tinggi angka kunjungannya. Ini sangat menggembirakan saya. Saya mengartikannya sebagai keberhasilan tulisan saya. Dan itu berarti pengunjung benar-benar ingin membaca. Bukan menuntut gamabr ini itu dari saya. Sekali lagi ini prinsip saya pribadi yang tidak perlu anda ikuti.

Nah, lebih kurang itulah beberapa hal yang bisa anda lakukan untuk meringankan beban blog anda. Menurut versi blogernas tentunya.


Although this news is few days old,I think it will helpful to people who don't know still about this.If you have a Indian Paypal account and have been using it to receive money from advertisers,clients,.. this will be a really bad news for you.

With effect from 1 March 2011, you are required to comply with the requirements set out in the notification of the Reserve Bank of India governing the processing and settlement of export-related receipts facilitated by online payment gateways (“RBI Guidelines”).

In order to comply with the RBI Guidelines, our user agreement in India will be amended for the following services as follows:

  1. Any balance in and all future payments into your PayPal account may not be used to buy goods or services.
  2. Any balance in and all future payments into your PayPal account must be transferred to your bank account in India within 7 days from the receipt of confirmation from the buyer in respect of the goods or services.
  3. Export-related payments for goods and services into your PayPal account may not exceed US$500 per transaction.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Why will PayPal not allow me to receive more than US$500?

Starting 1 March, 2011, PayPal customers in India will not be allowed to receive payments for any export-related goods or services for an amount exceeding US$500 per transaction. This change is to ensure that we continue to comply with the RBI Guidelines.

Q: Why will PayPal not allow me to keep money in my PayPal balance?

Starting 1 March, 2011, PayPal customers in India will not be able to keep money in their PayPal account balance. Instead, all money received into a PayPal account must be transferred to a customer's India bank account within 7 days from the receipt of confirmation from the buyer in respect of the good or services. This change is to ensure that we continue to comply with the RBI Guidelines.

Q: Will my customers be able to complete their checkout with their PayPal account balance?

We're glad that you offer PayPal to your customers. Unfortunately, we will not allow customers in India to send money from their PayPal account balance starting 1 March, 2011. This means that your customers will need to link a credit card to their account in before sending you money with PayPal. This change is to ensure that we continue to comply with the RBI Guidelines.

Q: The customers on my website are not able to complete purchase or pay via PayPal. Why?

Starting 1 March, 2011, PayPal customers in India will not be allowed to receive payments for any export-related goods or services for an amount exceeding US$500 per transaction. If you are listing products greater than US$500 per transaction then you may need to seek alternative methods of payment. This change is to ensure that we continue to comply with the RBI Guidelines.

Q: What is meant by receipt of confirmation from the buyer in respect of goods and services?

As an exporter of products or services abroad, you need to ensure that your buyer has received the product or services as per specifications set out on your website. As an exporter of goods, you may withdraw the balance to your bank account in India upon reasonable consideration of shipping time and other clearances such as excise and customs for the destination country. As an exporter of services, you may withdraw the balance to your bank account in India upon receipt of payment from your buyer into your PayPal account.



Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye), known officially as the Republic of Turkey (About this sound Türkiye Cumhuriyeti (help·info)), is a Eurasian country situated in the Anatolian peninsula, located in Western Asia, and Eastern Thrace, located in southeastern Europe. Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Bulgaria to the northwest; Greece to the west; Georgia to the northeast; Armenia, Azerbaijan (the exclave of Nakhchivan) and Iran to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the southeast. The Mediterranean Sea and Cyprus are to the south; the Aegean Sea to the west; and the Black Sea is to the north. The Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles (which together form the Turkish Straits) demarcate the boundary between Eastern Thrace and Anatolia; they also separate Europe and Asia.

Bodrum - Mugla - Turkey

Bodrum (from Petronium), formerly Halicarnassus, from Ancient Greek: Ἁλικαρνασσός[1], (Turkish: Halikarnas), is a Turkish port town in Muğla Province, in the southwestern Aegean Region of the country. It is located on the southern coast of Bodrum Peninsula, at a point that checks the entry into the Gulf of Gökova, and it faces the Greek island of Kos. Today, it is an international center of tourism and yachting. The city was called Halicarnassus of Caria in ancient times. The Mausoleum of Mausolus, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, was here.

Bodrum Castle, built by the Crusaders in the 15th century, overlooks the harbor and the International Marina. The castle grounds includes a Museum of Underwater Archeology and hosts several cultural festivals throughout the year.

Izmir -Turkey

İzmir, historically also Smyrna, is a city in western Turkey and the seat of İzmir Province.It is Turkey's third most populous city and the country's second largest port city. It is located along the outlying waters of the Gulf of İzmir, by the Aegean Sea.

The city of İzmir is composed of several districts. Of these, Konak district corresponds to historical İzmir, or what is generally referred to by "Smyrna" in the narrow sense, this district's area having constituted "İzmir Municipality" area until 1984, Konak until then having been a name for a central neighborhood around Konak Square, still the core of the city. With the constitution of "Greater İzmir Metropolitan Municipality", the city of İzmir became a compound bringing together initially nine, and since recently eleven metropolitan districts, namely Balçova, Bayraklı, Bornova, Buca, Çiğli, Gaziemir, Güzelbahçe, Karabağlar, Karşıyaka, Konak and Narlıdere. Almost each of these settlements are former district centers or neighborhoods which stood on their own and with their own distinct features and temperament. In an ongoing processus, the Mayor of İzmir was also vested with authority over the areas of additional districts reaching from Aliağa in the north to Selçuk in the south, bringing the number of districts to be considered as being part of İzmir to twenty-one under the new arrangements, two of these having been administratively included in İzmir only partially.

Turkey - Travel Guide

Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye), known officially as the Republic of Turkey (About this sound Türkiye Cumhuriyeti (help·info)), is a Eurasian country situated in the Anatolian peninsula, located in Western Asia, and Eastern Thrace, located in southeastern Europe. Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Bulgaria to the northwest; Greece to the west; Georgia to the northeast; Armenia, Azerbaijan (the exclave of Nakhchivan) and Iran to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the southeast. The Mediterranean Sea and Cyprus are to the south; the Aegean Sea to the west; and the Black Sea is to the north. The Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles (which together form the Turkish Straits) demarcate the boundary between Eastern Thrace and Anatolia; they also separate Europe and Asia.


The Turkish Air Force (Turkish: Türk Hava Kuvvetleri) is a branch of the Turkish Armed Forces. It is one of the oldest air forces in the world, and with a current inventory of more than 930 aircraft, ranks 3rd in NATO in terms of fleet size, behind the USAF and RAF. Supported by long-range in-flight refueling capability, the fighter jets of the Turkish Air Force can participate in international operations and exercises on all continents of the world. READ MORE